I am a qualified Nutritional Therapist and Homeopath who graduated with Distinction from The College of Integrated Nutrition & Homeopathy, which was run by co-principals Dr Khush Mark, PhD, and Gordon Sambidge in London, United Kingdom.
Alongside offering Nutritional Therapy and Homeopathy consultations, I am specifically trained in Microbiome Mapping and Hair Mineral Analysis test interpretation and evaluation [both functional tests are available].
I am a dual citizen of New Zealand and the United Kingdom and have spent half of my life in both countries. I am a lover of food, yoga and travel. I love learning from different cultures and am fascinated with finding ways to help people feel their best.
Ultimately, it is my dream to service anyone despite their location, so all consultations are provided virtually, unless otherwise arranged. ​
After a diverse career in various corporate sectors grappling with what felt like recurring burnout, I sought solutions for my mounting health issues and eagerly absorbed any advice to improve my lifestyle. More often than not I was met with commonplace prescriptions that rarely addressed the root cause of my problems. Although some prescriptions provided short-term relief, they ultimately fell short, failing to address the underlying issues that led to my struggles or offer effective long-term solutions. We all know that a band aid is a helpful short-term fix, but it was doing nothing to empower me with the information I needed to prevent these situations from happening again.
I was disheartened with the one-size-fits-all approach and set out on a personal pursuit to navigate my mental health battles, hormonal imbalances, digestive ailments and traumas. Finding The College of Integrated Nutrition and Homeopathy led me on a journey of learning and unlearning, as well as one of trial and transformation. And whilst I continue to evolve, I can honestly tell you that having these two modalities by my side has been life-changing!
Now I am on a mission to help others! Have you experienced similar issues? Let's work together to re-map your health journey.

"My mission is to empower you with knowledge, support and guidance so that you can make informed decisions about your wellbeing. I harness the healing powers of natural remedies and whole foods, so that we can focus on nourishing your body from within!"